Awards are presented as text links out of consideration to those with slower connection speeds. Please save all awards to your own server.
Core Awards
All awards are customized by fandom. Winners are animated.
Best Video - Red by obsessive24
Best Video RU - Dreams by Buffyann
Best Editing - Just a Dream by Castor
Best Editing RU - Running on the Ragged Edge by macchinainterna
Specialized Awards
This round's template features Spider-Man and Venom. Winners are animated while runners-up include still screenshots.
Best Overview - Beautiful Struggle by nc
Best Overview RU - Just a Dream by Castor
Best Overview RU - Stray by balistik
Best Character - Red by obsessive24
Best Character RU - Dreams by Buffyann
Best Relationship - Mermaid Blues by saltwatergirl
Best Relationship - Counting Bodies by Milly
Best Ensemble - Tragic Heroes by Reese
Best Ensemble RU - Civil War by meivocis
Best Ensemble RU - Circles by Lsketch42
Best Narrative - Red by obsessive24
Best Narrative RU - Mermaid Blues by saltwatergirl
Best Narrative RU - Counting Bodies by Milly
Best Action - Running on the Ragged Edge by macchinainterna
Best Action RU - Just a Dream by Castor
Best Action RU - Stray by balistik
Best Alternative - Walking with a Ghost by rhoboat
Best Alternative RU - Tragic Heroes by Reese
Best Alternative RU - Civil War by meivocis
Discretionary Awards
Awards for Merit are constructed exactly like Specialized runners-up. Judge's Choice is customized by fandom and animated.
Award for Merit - Feel by Artanis
Judge's Choice - Beautiful Struggle by nc
Didn't win anything? Don't be discouraged - competition at the FNVAs is incredibly intense. Please see the earliest update on the index page for more information.
Site maintained by dragonchic