Awards are presented as text links out of consideration to those with slower connection speeds. Please save all awards to your own server.
Core Awards
All awards are customized by fandom. Winners are animated.
Best Video - System by Kristin
Best Editing - I Won't Forget You by Omnicent
Best Editing RU - Legacy by ShadowNOS
Best Use of Music - Dance Inside by Jon
Best Use of Music RU - Take Me Away by Kamyar
Specialized Awards
This round's template feature Spider-Man and a sometimes-covered up Reed Richards from the 2005 Marvel Holiday Special. Winners are animated while runners-up include still screenshots.
Best Overview - Dance Inside by Jon
Best Overview RU - Dying Tonight by SolarKhan
Best Overview RU - Numb by Jenn
Best Character - System by Kristin
Best Character RU - I Woke Up in a Car by Ringwench
Best Character RU - Snake - The Hero by Heather
Best Romance - Take Me Away by Kamyar
Best Romance RU - Oceans of Love by Anna
Best Romance RU - Hell is Seen Too Late by Sensue
Best Ensemble - Mot Fjerne Land by Dark Faeries
Best Ensemble RU - Justice League: Smallville Style by KEakaCK
Best Ensemble RU - Break by Thelanafan
Best Narrative - The End by whereistheluv
Best Narrative RU - My Goddess by Destiny
Best Narrative RU - The Savior by Quee Rose
Best Action - Legacy by ShadowNOS
Best Action RU - Snake - The Hero by Heather
Best Action RU - Mot Fjerne Land by Dark Faeries
Best Comedy - When You're Evil by Elvira
Best Episodic - When the Man Comes Around by nikki
Best Episodic RU - A Christmas Ghost Story by Andrea
Best Alternative - Song of the Siren by Chad
Best Alternative RU - Justice League: Smallville Style by KEakaCK
Best Effects - Dance Inside by Jon
Best Effects RU - I Won't Forget You by Omnicent
Best Effects RU - My Goddess by Destiny
Best Song Choice - Legacy by ShadowNOS
Discretionary Awards
Awards for Merit are constructed exactly like Specialized runners-up. Judge's Choice is customized by fandom and animated. There are no Notable Entries this round.
Award for Merit - It's the Fear by Elion
Award for Merit - Slipped Away by Dana Marie
Judge's Choice - Justice League: Smallville Style by KEakaCK
Didn't win anything? Don't be discouraged - competition at the FNVAs is incredibly intense. Please see the earliest update on the index page for information regarding reviews and resubmission.
No copyright infringement intended