Awards are presented as text links out of consideration to those with slower connection speeds. Please save all awards to your own server.
Core Awards
All awards are customized by fandom. Winners are animated.
Best Video - La Marée Haute by Buffyann
Best Video RU - Through Time and Space by ShadowNOS
Specialized Awards
This round's template features Peter Parker and Princess Gwendolyn from Spider-Man: Fairy Tales #4. Winners are animated while runners-up include still screenshots.
Best Overview - Into the Wild by Sunny88
Best Overview RU - I Walk Alone by Heather
Best Character - La Marée Haute by Buffyann
Best Character RU - Mercedes-Benz by mresundance
Best Character RU - Breathe Me by SmokeyFizz
Best Relationship - Don't Cha/Seether by Milly
Best Relationship RU- Together We Will Live Forever by monsie
Best Relationship RU- Power & Passion by Victor Wonder
Best Ensemble - Through Time and Space by ShadowNOS
Best Ensemble RU - Anarchy by balistik
Best Ensemble RU - Raising Hell by Reese
Best Action - Anarchy by balistik
Best Action RU - Raising Hell by Reese
Best Action RU - Special Ops vs. the Decepticons by Aisylnn
Best Comedy - Awfully Different by Andrea
Best Alternative - Anarchy by balistik
Best Alternative RU - Killer's Bane by SolarKhan
Discretionary Awards
Awards for Merit are constructed exactly like Specialized runners-up. Notable Entries feature Peter and Mary Jane from Spider-Man: Fairy Tales #1. Judge's Choice is customized by fandom and animated.
Award for Merit - Drive by Thandie
Award for Merit - Precious by Shoopdancer
Award for Merit - Dance with the Wolves by brighette
Award for Merit - What It Feels Like for a Girl by Cynthia
Notable Entry - Love of my Life by Lena
Notable Entry - Dance with the Devil by wolfpup
Notable Entry - Map of the Problematique by Lexcelsior
Notable Entry - What Else Is There? by lady_m4ryjane
Judge's Choice - Don't Cha/Seether by Milly
Didn't win anything? Don't be discouraged - competition at the FNVAs is incredibly intense. Please see the earliest update on the index page for more information.
Site maintained by dragonchic